What is ?
For thousands of kids in Missouri, school isn't just a place for learning. It's a shelter. A kitchen. A refuge from suffering. For these kids, hygiene needs go unmet. Meals are few. And clothes rarely fit. They come to school distracted by hunger and limited by embarrassment - their education an afterthought to survival. It's for these kids that Care to Learn was created.
The Mission of Care to Learn is to provide immediate funding to meet emergent needs in the areas of health, hunger and hygiene so every student can be successful in school. A toothbrush. A coat. Deodorant. Breakfast. These are the things that stand between children and belonging - basic unmet needs that cause pain and embarrassment.
Different mascots, same pride.
The frontline of the Care to Learn model is the schools. Faculty, bus drivers, administrators, nurses, counselors and others are able to end suffering quickly by identifying students in need of help. Having a Care to Learn Chapter in their school means many hunger, health, and hygiene issues can be addressed immediately and discreetly. Currently there are 38 Care to Learn Chapters in Missouri, helping students every day.
Care to Learn - Mountain Grove
Contact: Shawna Gruben at [email protected]
or 417.926.3177 ext. 1015
Donations can be mailed or delivered to:
Care to Learn - Mountain Grove
c/o Shawna Gruben
PO Box 806
Mountain Grove, MO 65711
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Mountain Grove Care to Learn Facebook Page